The curriculum of training courses (lectures, subject seminars, workshops, trainings and other types of training courses) is an educational program aimed at meeting cognitive needs in a certain field of professional occupation or field of knowledge.

Applications from legal entities and individuals are accepted.
The document confirming the student’s mastery of the content of the curriculum of the training courses is a certificate of education of the established sample.

Sample topics of the training courses

1Prevention of illegal juvenile behavior
2Prevention of victimized behavior on the Internet
3Corruption counteraction in the Republic of Belarus
4The Constitution is the basic law of the state: history and contemporaneity
5Interaction of international and national law in the judicial system of the Republic of Belarus
6The legal framework for ensuring information security in the Republic of Belarus
7Worldview and value orientations of modern youth
8Current issues of environmental education
9Scientific foundations of the modern man’s worldview
10Alimony obligations under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus
11Division of marital property
12Environmental protection and environmental safety in the Republic of Belarus
13Judicial protection of citizens’ housing rights
14Consumer rights protection of goods, jobs, and services in the Republic of Belarus
15Modern marketing: technologies, techniques
16Effective management of an organization: theory and practice
17The economy of the Republic of Belarus in terms of globalization
18Technology of effective / efficient fundraising
19Modern fundraising: strategy, tactics, methodology
20Fundraising: how to make a successful project
1Technology of effective business communication
2Specialist stress resistance resources
3Prevention of emotional burnout
4Prevention of workaholism and behavioral addictions
5Prevention and overcoming of conflicts in professional activity
6Social projects and programs: technology of development and evaluation
7Time management as a success factor for a specialist
8Goal setting as the basis of a specialist’s personal effectiveness
9Professional image of the specialist and the organization
10Tactics of a specialist’s self-presentation on a social network
1Fundamentals of landscape design. Phytodesign of interiors. Decorative dendrology
2Rules and techniques for the formation of  alpinaries (alpine hills) in landscape design
3Rules and techniques for the formation of rockeries (rock gardens)  in landscape design
4Biological active substances of medicinal plants
5Current global environmental problems
6Genetically modified foods: good or bad?
7Biological age and genetic passport
1Formation of natural science functional literacy of primary school children in the educational process
2Formation of students’ meta-subject competencies in the learning process
3Subject-oriented technologies in the educational process
4Development of students’ social and emotional skills in the educational process
5Modern technologies of education of students
6Pedagogical support for the creative development of preschool children
7Pedagogical support for the adaptation of young children to pre-school education
8Pedagogical conditions for effective interaction between teachers of preschool education institutions and parents
9Individualization of the educational process in preschool education
10Networking and social partnership in preschool education
1Numerical methods in various industries and agriculture
2Using a computer algebra system for technical calculations
3Current issues of radiation safety and nuclear energy
4Current aspects of game theory
5Basics of computer translation
6Current issues of financial mathematics
7Application of mathematical modeling to solve economic problems
8Socio-psychological aspects of Internet addiction
9Optimization of the company’s activities
10Creating a web application for public mapping (ArcGIS)
11Office technologies
12Fundamentals of computer literacy
13Programming languages
14WEBSITE, Internet
15Computer graphics. CorelDRAW X3
16Computer graphics. Photoshop CS3
17Computer layout. Adobe PageMaker 6,5
18Fundamentals of video editing. Magix Movie Edit Pro 10
1School of a young referee (football)
2Family Fitness School 
3Physical activity as a component of a healthy lifestyle 
4A modern system of organizing and conducting classes to maintain physical activity and conditioning training 
5Fitness and aerobics for the public, fitness in the family 

Corporate training. Seminars, Trainings

1Staff motivation
2Time Management 
3Conflict prevention and resolution 
4Psychology of joining the workforce 
5Modern management 
6The system of effective management communications 
7Management. The practice of material and non-material motivation 
8Personnel management, the basics of team formation 
9Professional communication trainings (business games, personal growth, communicative competence) 
10An effective team 
11Ethics and management culture 
12Stress Management 
13Business negotiations 
14How to behave in conflict situations 
15Emotional health 
16How to prevent burnout syndrome 
17Practical tools of protection against negativity 
18Efficient staff 
19Organization and conduction of successful negotiations: methodological and practical aspect 
20Effective management, innovative marketing, the art of successful sales 
21Culture of interpersonal communication 
22Time management in management practice 
23Stress management in the professional field 
24Goal setting (S.M.A.R.T) and result-oriented activity 

Diagnostics of personnel in order to obtain information about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and develop recommendations for achieving positive changes in the organization, the workforce